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With the stomach and other digestive organs in a state of perfect health, one is entirely unconscious of their existence, save when of feeling of hunger calls attention to the fact that food is required, or satiety warns us that a sufficient amount or too much has been eaten. Perfect digestion can only be maintained by careful observance of the rules of health in regard to habits of eating. 

On the subject of Hygiene of Digestion, we quote a few paragraphs from Dr. Kellogg's work on Physiology, in which is given a concise summary of the more important points relating to this: 

"The hygiene of digestion has to do with the quality and quantity of food eaten, in the manner of eating it. 

If the food is eaten too rapidly, it will not be properly divided, and when swallowed in coarse lumps, the digestive fluids cannot readily act upon it. On account of the insufficient mastication, the saliva will be deficient in quantity, and, as a consequence, the starch will not be well digested, and the stomach will not secrete a sufficient amount of gastric juice. It is not well to eat only soft or liquid food, as we are likely to swallow it without proper chewing. A considerable proportion of hard food, which requires thorough mastication, should be eaten at every meal. 

Drinking Freely at Meals is harmful, as it not only encourages hasty eating, but dilutes the gastric juice, and thus lessens its activity. The food should be chewed until sufficiently moistened by saliva to allow it to be swallowed. When large quantities of fluid are taken into the stomach, digestion does not begin until a considerable portion of the fluid has been absorbed. If cold foods or drinks are taken with the meal, such as ice-cream, ice-water, iced milk or tea, the stomach is chilled, and a long delay in the digestive process is occasioned. 

The Indians of Brazil carefully abstain from drinking when eating, and the same custom prevails among many other savage tribes. 

Eating between Meals.

The habit of eating apples, nuts, fruits, confectionery, etc., between meals is exceedingly harmful, and certain to produce loss of appetite and indigestion. The stomach as well as the muscles and other organs of the body requires rest. The frequency with which meals should be taken depends somewhat upon the age and occupation of an individual. Infants take their food at short intervals, and owing to its simple character, are able to digest it very quickly. Adults should not take food oftener than three times a day; and persons whose employment is sedentary say, in many cases at least, adopt with advantage the plan of the ancient Greeks, who ate but twice a day.  

Simplicity in Diet.

Taking too many kinds of food at a meal is a common fault which is often a cause of disease of the digestive-organs. Those nations are the most hardy and enduring whose dietary is most simple. The Scotch peasantry live chiefly upon oatmeal, the Irish upon potatoes, milk, and oatmeal, the Italian upon peas, beans, macaroni, and chestnuts; yet all these are noted for remarkable health and endurance. The natives of the Canary Islands, an exceedingly well-developed and vigorous race, subsist almost chiefly upon a food which they call gofio, consisting of parched grain, coarsely ground in a mortar and mixed with water. 

Eating when Tired.

It is not well to eat when exhausted by violent exercise, as the system is not prepared to do the work of digestion well. Sleeping immediately after eating is also a harmful practice. The process of digestion cannot well be performed during sleep, and sleep is disturbed by the ineffective efforts of the digestive organs. Hence the well-known evil effects of late suppers. 

Eating too Much.

Hasty eating is the greatest cause of over-eating. When one eats too rapidly, the food is crowded into the stomach so fast that nature has no time to cry, 'Enough,' by taking away the appetite before too much has been eaten. When an excess of food is taken, it is likely to ferment or sour before it can be digested. One who eats too much usually feels dull after eating." 

When it comes to taking online classes over the Internet, especially free online classes you want to make absolutely sure that they are legitimate. That you aren’t just fooling around with something you aren’t going to get out of, but the wasting of your time and efforts. Not all of the free online classes offered on the internet are like this, however most of the free online classes deal with different issues other than major instructional courses.

In another words the fr...

free online classes

Article Body:
When it comes to taking online classes over the Internet, especially free online classes you want to make absolutely sure that they are legitimate. That you aren’t just fooling around with something you aren’t going to get out of, but the wasting of your time and efforts. Not all of the free online classes offered on the internet are like this, however most of the free online classes deal with different issues other than major instructional courses.

In another words the free online classes could mean getting your GED, or learning another language perhaps, something of that nature. However, it really does depend on which web site you are looking at and referring to before you actually know. And in some situations there are free online classes for a period of time, and after you are so far into the course you have chosen, there will be fees, some expensive and others less costly.

You might want to be sure to read all the print according to the free online classes you take as well, when they say free and you have to pay out all amounts of money on additional materials they say you will need such as software and other items, this is where they could get you as well.

They might very well be offering free online classes however you’ll pay for quite a bit of software or other things to get through and complete the classes.

Believe me when I say I did a search on free online classes and got over twenty thousand search results so you might want to be specific on what you are looking for as far as free online classes.

Its amazing all the colleges that are on the Internet that offer these free online classes however there is always usually something you need to purchase. Oh, don’t get me wrong not all of the web sites are like this, however those with degrees or a PHD these will not be free online classes or courses.

Some people like the idea of not having to actually be in a classroom and being able to obtain some king of skill or learning and it is in fact free online classes that can provide this for them, while others are accredited colleges however like stated above, they will offer so many free online classes if you continue with a course for a longer period of time.

For example, its like getting three months of cable free when you sign up for a years service from the cable provider. This is how some of the colleges work on the Internet, they will offer free online classes when you go through a course where you do in fact pay a certain amount in order to actually finish the classes or courses you have chosen to take on the Internet.

There are also databases that can assist you when searching for free online classes however, here too you need to be specific on what type of free online classes you are looking for or you are going to get hundreds of results, and remember it is always best to look at more than just one, do that comparison on the classes and see which one will benefit you or help you as far as being free online classes and what goes with them, such as software or additional items.

Did you ever wonder what you would do if petrol went up to over £1 a litre or $3 a gallon?

Green Businesses organic social ethics fair trade health renewable energy eco babies ethical animal testing bio solar wind nuclear cars auto farm

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It’s likely that the farmers would blockade the countries roads for starters! Unfortunately, the possibility of this happening are becoming more and more likely with increasing tensions around the world leading to ever increasing oil prices and volatility in the world markets. Fossil fuels are running out an alarming rate and people are starting to look seriously at other alternatives.
Needless to say, an increase in oil prices will create hardships to the economy and in every person’s life. But some people state that the only way to get them to use public transport or to walk the 5 minutes to the local shop instead of driving is to price them out of using their cars for inefficient journeys. Increasingly people and making their own biodiesel fuel from used cooking oil to run their cars to reduce their dependence on oil.

Biodiesel is made from vegetable oil (including used oil) in a process called •transesterification•, whereby the glycerine is separated from the oil leaving a clean burning fuel that will efficiently power any diesel engine with vastly reduced exhaust emissions this is good for the environment. People have been deserting their local petrol station in favour of using waste vegetable oil from large scale users such as pubs, restaurants, or pure oil off the shelf.

The government is becoming aware of this use of cheaper, alternative fuel and is targeting this eco method as they are not paying tax on this oil which they would be doing if they bought petrol. The government appears to pay lip service to reducing climate change as the small number of Bio-diesal users are being targeted for tax evasion instead of encouraged to use this eco friendly fuel. Where is the incentive for current Bio-diesel users and companies to invest in research and development?

For those of you that are thinking of making the change there are different process or kits available to convert car engines and these cost between £400 and £1,200. All you need to add is vegetable oil, methanol, a small amount of catalyst, electricity and tap water into this conversion and your ready to go! Oh….. and don’t forget to tell the taxman.

Save energy by using renewable products available via companies listed in GuideMeGreen.

About the county

Officially known as the Republic of Bulgaria or Bulgarian Republic, Bulgaria is a beautiful mountainous country lying in Balkan Peninsula in Southern Europe bordering the Black Sea to the east, Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, Romania to the north, Greece and Turkey to the south. Bulgaria also borders Turkey, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, and Georgia along the sea. The largest and the capital city is Sofia. The country may be very small in area but it is rich in ancient culture, picturesque locales, down to earth and friendly people who provide the warmth and hospitality of old days. Bulgaria is known as “Land of Roses” due to the largest production of roses here. Although Bulgaria is known mostly for its sea resorts much of the actual country can be explored in great mountain regions, with many ski resorts a perfect destination for skiers. With unique customs, spectacular crafts, colorful festivals, folklore and so on Bulgaria has it all to take the imagination of visitors by surprise and excitement.

Population & Languages

The population of Bulgaria is roughly 7.4 million and the official language being spoken is Bulgarian. Turkish and Roma are also spoken by considerable percentage of the population.


The voltage is 230 V and the frequency is 50 Hz. The types of plugs used are Round pin attachment plug and "Schuko" plug and receptacle with side grounding contacts.

Geographic Location

It lies in Balkan Peninsula in Southern Europe bordering the Black Sea to the east, Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, Romania to the north, Greece and Turkey to the south. Bulgaria also borders Turkey, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, and Georgia along the sea. Bulgaria is strategically located near Turkish Straits making it the control point of key land routes connecting Europe to Middle East and Asia.


The climate of Bulgaria can be termed as temperate with hot and dry summers and cold and damp winters. Summer temperatures average around 75°F (24°C) and winter temperatures average about 32°F (0°C). The ideal time to visit Bulgaria is summer.

Local Customs
Like any other country Bulgaria has its own customs too and normal courtesies should be followed. Handshaking is customary. Dress should be conservative but can be casual. Souvenirs from home country are appreciated if invited to home. Here is Bulgaria, a nod of the head means ‘no’ and a shake of the head means ‘yes’. Tipping up to 10 to 12 percent is customary for all services including restaurants, bars, clubs, taxis etc.


* St. Sofia Church
* St. George Rotunda
* Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
* National Ethnographic Museum

* Village of Momchilovtsi
* Pirin National Park
* Rila Monastery


By Air – The national airline of Bulgaria is Bulgaria Air. Other international airlines operating from Bulgaria include Bulgaria include Aeroflot, Air France, Alitalia, Austrian Airlines, British Airways, El Al Israel Airlines, KLM, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, MALEV Hungarian Airlines, Olympic Airlines and Swiss Air. Sofia International Airport EAD (SOF) is the biggest airport which is like six miles east of Sofia. Other international airport is Varna International Airport (VAR) located in the western outskirts of the city about five miles from Varna.

Sea - The important international ports are Bourgas and Varna along the Black Sea.

River – Ferries can cross into Romania from Vidin to Calafat.

By Rail – Sofia is connected to Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, Thessaloniki, Paris, Vienna, Munich and Berlin through frequent services of trains.

Duty Free Items
1. 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco
2. 1 liter of spirits and 2 liter of wine; 50g of perfume and 100g of eau de toilette
3. Gifts and personal use items.
Prohibited Items
Un-canned goods, meat or dairy products, Narcotics, pornography, firearms, ammunition, weapons, eggs, plants, endangered species, fireworks and alcoholic beverages that contain more than sixty per cent alcohol.

A great way to spice up your garden is to add a water feature. These can
be both soothing and aesthetically appealing. I've found that there’s
nothing more relaxing than sitting on a bench next to my garden and
listening to my fountain while I read a good book or do some studying.
Putting in a water feature is fairly easy and relatively inexpensive, and
will add immensely to the pleasantness of your garden. Also, the
maintenance level is minimal.

Usually, people install fountains for the benefit of the natural ambience
it provides. For some reason, being around a gorgeous scene of water gives
you a positive energy. This is also good if you practice Tai Chi or some
form of yoga or meditation. The constant drone of the water is exactly
what most people need to concentrate on what they are doing. Even if
you're not into that kind of stuff, just being in a garden with a fountain
has a sort of meditative quality to it, even if you're not trying to do
so. I recommend it to anyone.

When you first decide to put in a fountain, you need to put great care
into picking out one that will go well with the rest of your garden. If
you have any other decorations, you want to consider if it goes well with
your motif. Does the fountain you're considering stand out in your garden
like a sore thumb, or does it look like it was meant to be there? If
you're like me, you can't naturally tell whether the fountain will be a
good addition to your garden just by looking at it. So my solution was to
bring my sister (a natural at fashion design and that kind of stuff) along
with a picture of my garden to the store. I was able to get her expert
opinion, as well as see for myself what it would look like. By doing this
I was able to pick a beautiful rock fountain that goes marvelously with
the rest of my garden.

However, I still had a slight problem with supplying my fountain with
power. You see, my garden isn't very close to my house. I thought it would
look pretty tacky to run an extension cord across my yard, so I had to
come up with another solution. I discussed my situation with a Home Depot
employee, and he quickly found me the exact solution I needed: an
extension cord meant for being buried! All it took was a few hours of
digging a small trench across my yard, and I had power to my fountain
without an unsightly cord running across my yard. After I got over this
little hitch, my fountain plan went beautifully.

So if you're looking for a way to make your garden a more classy and
beautiful place to be, I hope you consider installing a fountain. The
whole process is surprisingly inexpensive, and I think that you will be
very happy with the results. Having a fountain in your garden is not only
soothing, but it also adds a lot of character to an otherwise bland
garden. Remember, gardens are not just for giving us vegetables! A garden
is a place to go when you want to retreat from the outside world and dwell
in your own thoughts with no disturbance.

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